By Chiara Vezzoli from Italy, Hosted in Delhi

After five months in India I think I can say that this is a land of differences. Differences between poor and rich people, differences between religions, differences between believes and many others. It has not been always easy to adjust to the Indian culture, I often found something that is totally different from my values but still I was needing to accept them because they are a part of the culture. I can say that my experience till now has been great, I found here a beautiful family and made a lot of new friends from all over the world, not just from India. They said that an exchange program is first a challenge with yourself and then with the culture of the host country and I have realized how true this is. I visited so many places with my family, I saw a lot of family functions and religious festivals and every time I experience something different, something that I was considering out of my limits, not reachable, but now I consider all of these things as a part of my daily life.