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  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • North America

Open up your world to new possibilities

AFS intercultural adventures transform your life forever! We call it the #AFSeffect

Become global

Live with a new family in another country. Enjoy different traditions. Take time to appreciate, value and deepen your insights about other perspectives, cultures, religions and important world issues.


Become change

Open your mind to a new way to view the world and help others see the world the way you experience it. Build bridges across cultures by creating friendships that will last a lifetime.


Become fluent

Go to a new school, learn a new language and find ways to connect with people from other cultures and backgrounds–skills that you’ll take back home and use for a lifetime.


Become yourself

Discover new things about yourself and your place in the world. Learn how to turn challenging situations into valuable opportunities to grow and become more mature.

I realized what culture actually means!

““My study abroad experience in Russia provided me the opportunity to realize that there is a much bigger world out there, with a very rich and proud culture. I realized what culture actually means, the visits to museums, different cities and historical sites allowed me to better understand the Russian culture and gave me the proper meaning of culture. I learned about myself in the process, as I had my conversation with other International AFS students who had different point of views, ideas and opinions, that helped me to think like global and challenged me to apply my learnings and to share my own point of view in a cross-culture background.”

— AFS Student 

Study Abroad with AFS

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How can I become an AFSer?

You’ve explored AFS programs online or met us in person. Now you are ready to apply! Here's what to expect on your intercultural journey with AFS:

Find a program and start applying

Our application is thorough. But knowing some key things about you will help make your AFS experience amazing. If you’re stuck just give us a call.


You’ve been selected!

Not everyone becomes an AFS student. Your application, interviews and recommendations tell us how ready you are for an international student exchange. Now the fun begins!


Attend your AFS Orientation Session

AFS orientation sessions (before, during and after your program) help you navigate personal and cultural growth opportunities while you’re abroad.


Jump on plane and meet the world

Dedicated AFS volunteers, host families, and staff are prepared to make your AFS experience an intercultural learning adventure you’ll never forget. 

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides international and intercultural learning and education through diverse exchange programs among the youth of 53 different countries from all over the world. It provides youngsters with an opportunity to not only stay and study abroad, but also to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to become global citizens, address global issues and help create a more just and peaceful world.

Scholarships and Discounts

AFS India is committed to helping young people to go abroad regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we work with corporate and community sponsors to help finance AFS programs through full and partial scholarships.

Get in touch with us to know more about scholarships available.

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how to get your parents to say yes!

Information for parents

AFS is a leading study abroad program for secondary school students, supported and facilitated by trained staff and volunteers. Since 1947, AFS has prepared young people with practical skills and knowledge valued by universities and employers—and needed to succeed in a global world. AFS programs help young people learn about a world beyond their own communities—and become comfortable interacting with people from other countries and cultures.

Read why AFS is the right choice

Open Up Your World to New Possibilities

Check out this exclusive booklet prepared for you to get an insight about various AFS countries’ culture, traditions, lifestyle, teenage life and more before you apply for the AFS Educational Programs.

Choose Your Destinations For AFS Program

AFS Student Learning Journey

On an AFS program, every student does more than just travel — they go on a learning journey. Our students experience study abroad, learn global skills, practice social impact and return home to become active global citizens with the essential global skills they need to live, learn, work and volunteer to contribute to society and change the world.

Before, during, and after their program, every AFSer benefits from an educational curriculum based on a proven educational methodology that we have developed over 75 years of intercultural learning, and recently updated in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Social Impact Strategy (CSIS).

At the end of their learning journey, every student leaves with the “AFS superpowers” that they need to make the world a better place through active global citizenship: adaptability, critical thinking, self-awareness, empathy, communication, valuing differences, open-mindedness, global awareness, and change-making.

Explore Student Learning Journey

Frequently Asked Questions for Parents

In order for your child to fully realize this opportunity and grow as a cultural ambassador and young leader, the family needs to support his/her growth during the year to come. This will be done by maintaining the least possible communication with him/ her in the year ahead, so that they can maximize their growth in the new environment and with the new people. Also, AFS will share several handouts with you that will demonstrate the intercultural learning and adjustment cycle that your child will be going, so that you are aware of his growth and development.

Learn while exploring a whole new world

AFS helps you turn every experience into a true learning moment. Our volunteers and staff will guide you through the AFS Student Learning Journey—with a curriculum developed by knowledgeable AFS educators and other intercultural experts from around the world.

Orientation sessions and monthly meetings with trained support volunteers will help you make the most out of your exchange—and prepare you for a lifetime of cultural encounters.

How AFS prepares you for your experience