An amazing cultural journey for the entire family

Hosting an international student in your home is a great way to learn about a new culture and share your own culture and values. Children often enjoy being cultural ambassadors, introducing their new brother or sister to local customs, traditions and national holidays. Everything from preparing meals to sightseeing are opportunities to discover and appreciate cultural and other differences. We call this the #AFSeffect!

Welcome adventure

Experience your world through the eyes of a young person from another country


Welcome change

Prepare your family to become global citizens—ready to connect with people from around the world


Welcome discovery

Help an international student learn how to live in and enjoy your culture and traditions

India has a lot to offer. Join and be part of the experience of a life-time.

“It is really hard to describe the change you are going through when you go for exchange. The time before traveling to the host country is the most exciting time full of questions, expectations and anticipation. No one of us knew in the beginning, what would really what for us here in India and what we will learn on our journey. I think, how much each one of us really learned we will realize, when we go home and tell our friends and family about it. But so many things are even now visible in each one of us.All of these new skills and experiences mean so much to me, and make me a more confident and happier person, and I can’t wait to tell my friends and family in Germany all about it. But for
now, I want to enjoy the rest of my exchange and I hope that the coming months will also be full of new experiences.”

Hosted Student on her experience of being in India

Apply to become a host family

Experience #AFSEffect


Annual Hosting Trip for 2018-19

Before the final departures of host students of 2018-19 batch, AFS India organized a week-long Annual Hosting Trip for them from 31st March to 6th April 2019 to Southern India from Karnataka to Tamil Nadu. The trip was for 6 nights and 7 days. Total of 45 host students participated in the accompanied by the Staff Members. The places covered were Bangalore, Coorg, Chikmagulur, Puducherry, Mahabalipuram and Chennai.

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End Of Stay Orientation (2018-19 Batch)

Overall, 52 Host participants attended the orientation, along with 05 facilitators and the Hosting Team from the National Office. The facilitators equipped the participants with various talks and sessions which were focused to prepare them with the focus of re-adjustment and re-entry to the natural countries. The participants were given individual counselling moments, recognizing the dive of their exchange journey.

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What is an AFS host family?

AFS has invited families to welcome international students into their homes since 1947. Long considered a key element in the well being of exchange students, host families provide so much more than shelter and meals. 

Read more FAQs

Supported by dedicated volunteers and staff, host families help students navigate their new schools and communities, make friends, learn the language and enjoy their year abroad. Sharing culture and traditions help families bond, creating lifelong friendships. 

How to become an AFS host family


Learn more and apply

Learn why host families are so important to AFS programs. Our application process is thorough so we can make the best match for your family.


You've been selected

We take finding families very seriously. Although there’s no “ideal” AFS family—we have plenty of experience finding the “right” families. 


Get ready to host

Meet the trained volunteers and staff who will support your family and help you learn how to make your AFS experience rewarding and fun. 


Welcome your AFSer

Experience the AFSeffect with your new family member by sharing your home, your heart and your world as you take your first steps to becoming global. 

AFS Host Family Programs

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AFS High School Program

Duration: 3 to 10+ months, starting at the beginning or the middle of the school year. Students will be 15 –18 years old.

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AFS Short Programs

Duration: 2 –11 weeks, starting throughout the year. Students will be 15–18 years old.

Apply Now

Timeless India | Yearbook 2019-20

Would you like to know about the journey of AFS Students hosted in India? If yes, look inside to know about their life in India during AFS program. The students come from various parts of the world.

Experience #AFS Effect | Be Part of Their Journey

An all new AFS Host Family Intercultural Learning Journey

The AFS Host Family Program is now supported by the AFS Host Family Intercultural Learning Journey, built on specific intercultural learning objectives and facilitated by trained staff and volunteers. The Journey includes orientation sessions, facilitated discussions and other learning activities and reflection—all to enable the family to better support their hosted student and explore and build their intercultural awareness and understanding as individual global citizens and as a family.

Learn more about it

How does AFS support host families?


Experienced local AFS volunteers and staff will prepare your family for the challenges of welcoming a new member from another country.


24 hour local emergency contact and additional support from the AFS national office is available. AFS students have medical insurance, if health care is necessary. 


Trained volunteers and staff will support you throughout your hosting program, including meeting with you and your family at least once a month to make sure everything is working out.  


Your support volunteers will guide your family and student through the AFS Host Family Intercultural Learning Journey activities to help make the entire experience more meaningful and lasting. 

Who are AFS students?

AFS students come from more than 99 countries, and have demonstrated the maturity and motivation to study abroad. AFS students are screened and selected by the AFS Organization in their home country. AFS students are:

Usually between 15-18 years old on arrival

Committed to actively participate in their AFS program

Considered a good student in their home country

In good general health

Curious, flexible and open-minded

Community Service is an integral part of the AFS Programs.

“I learned from this [community service] experience that doing a minor thoughtful thing, such as collecting newspapers, can end up impacting people’s lives positively.

With this, I have told myself that I will start helping out more often, in bigger ways, and not just in times of crisis. If more people learn and adopt this approach around the world, everyone would benefit across the globe.”

— Host Student during his experience of being part of community service

Benefits of Hosting an AFS Exchange Student

Become an AFS Host Family and broaden the horizon of your family by opening doors of your house to an international student, volunteer or teacher. AFS Host Families have reported great rewards for opening their homes and hearts to AFS Exchange Participants. By hosting an AFS Exchange Participant you, too, can:

Draw your family closer together

Introduce a new culture and customs to your children

Show your part of India to an outstanding young person or teacher from another country

Meet your community leaders by participating in AFS activities

See India and our culture through new eyes

Develop a lifelong connection with your hosted participant and his or her family

Help an outstanding young person or teacher grow into a more confident and knowledgeable adult.

Make a positive and a real contribution towards creating a more just and peaceful world, through intercultural understanding.