By Rushabh Fulkari, YES Student from India to USA


“I am Rushabh Fulkari from India. I am a BUBW alumni 2017. BUBW, Better Understanding for a Better world. If somebody would give me a chance to talk about this conference on the stage, I could talk for hours without being exhausted. This is not a conference this is a place where humans meet and forget where they came from what their religion is and live for humanity, talk about humanity and bring peace in the world. The day I reached the airport to attend the BUBW, that day was my starting and the best about this conference is that it doesn’t have any kind of end to it. It goes forever.

From left: With friends at BUBW, With Imam Bashar Arafat, With friends


As Imam Sir said in his speech that ‘I don’t see any religions, I don’t see any nations. I see Humanity. BUBW is for Humanity’. Other students could say that BUBW was their best experience in the US. I would say that BUBW is the best experience in my whole entire life. I always heard from Indian people that Pakistani people are bad and they all are terrorist. But after them in personal. I would never be able to say that Pakistanis are bad. Meeting with people and exchange students from 32 different countries, visiting different places in Baltimore and going to Muslim, Jewish and Christmas religious places. I learned a lot of things, to be honest. Got a different perspective, got a different thinking. I made a lot of best friends.Those best friends that I can never forget. To be honest, I started feeling Homesick after getting home from BUBW. Because BUBW became my new home. Dancing with everybody, playing Bollywood music with everybody, having fun in the buses, clicking a lot of pictures and many more things. how can I forget it? We talked about the issues that most of the people from the rivalry countries seems to ignore talking. We got a new perspective from others. Before telling others that something is wrong, we made our mind settled on one thing that War is really bad. It doesn’t give you anything. It just brings hatred. There are only some people that make me feel inspired. Imam is one of them. He is so inspiring, not only inspiring, but he also tells you how to reach success. I am pretty sure that I am gonna do something for the humanity. I loved being in BUBW. I loved everything. I also made relationships that can never be separated. In last, I just wanna say that BUBW should be everywhere, in every country, in every city. Love BUBW.”