The End of Stay Orientation was successfully completed from 3rd to 8th May 2017. It was conducted in New Delhi. The focus of the Orientation was mainly towards preparing the participants for their return to their respective countries. For students, this becomes a common vantage point to join the dots of their exchange from the beginning and end of the journey.

Overall, 57 Host participants attended the orientation, who also had the opportunity to visit Taj Mahal in Agra.

The facilitators equipped the participants with various talks and sessions, which were focused to prepare them for re-adjustment and re-entry to the natural countries. The students were given individual counseling moments, recognising the DIVE of their exchange journey. The orientation served as moments of introspection for the participants with the real and unreal expectations. This also becomes a reason to retrospect on their actions and look forward on their goals, the short comings to pick themselves up and recognize the positivity in their learning for the future. With ICL components as part of the session, they were given better understanding of adjustment process & settling back in their country.

On 5th May, the evening was lightened with the cultural show, where the students performed their cultural learning in the form of music, dance and various other talents. There were Embassy representatives from Belgium, Ghana & Thailand, who applauded the students on their completion of exchange year. It was also attended by the AFS Board Members & Hosting Team.

(Photo Above:  Hosted participants with embassy representatives)

Best wishes to all the students who came to India on AFS exchange program.