On 19th August 2017, a Principals’ Meet was organized at Strawberry Field High School, Chandigarh. 21 School Heads from 15 schools were part of the Meet. It was the first school event, AFS India conducted in Chandigarh and it was received well by the school representatives who attended it. The meet focused on introduction of AFS and the Programs that AFS offers, the benefits and opportunities that AFS provides to its Partner schools. AFS India Board Member, Dr. Sumer Singh, who was one of the facilitator of the Meet, shared his experience when he was a School Head and was hosting an International AFS participants and how a student is benefitted when they go on AFS.

AFS Think Tank and AFS India School Membership was also introduced to the schools and the procedure of signing up for AFS School Membership was explained to them. The session ended with High Tea and snacks sponsored by Strawberry Field school. We’re thankful to Dr. Sumer Singh for being the facilitator for the meet.