By Mohd. Anfaz Kuthoo, Hosted in Japan

“It has been almost three months since I left the stronghold of my hometown Srinagar, India to leave for Saitama Prefecture in Japan. Being selected for this Study Abroad Program from my school through a rigorous AFS selection process had made me exuberant. But I was apprehensive like most 17 year olds normally are, on their first visit abroad. Reaching Japan and meeting my host family dissolved all unnecessary fears and marked the start of my good fortune here. My host family was exceptionally warm hearted and welcoming. Mama-san, Papa-san and my twin sisters Hiroka and Kaho made me comfortable and helped me learn the tricks of trade in the life a normal Japanese individual. I have started to enjoy life here and am sure to gather many beautiful memories lasting a lifetime. My school, Omiya Senior High School, is well reputed in the Prefecture and I have been blessed to be assigned to a wonderful class with equally wonderful classmates and teachers. They have helped me develop Japanese language skills along with constant tutoring by my host family. The end result being, I can speak the language nearly as fluently as the next Japanese. Participating in Sports Festivals, grooming my music skills in the Choir club and meeting new AFSers has shown me the immense potential of learning through interaction. I hope to involve myself in fruitful activities in the future that will bring laurels to my school, host family and to the AFS community as a whole.  Arigatou Gozaimasu!!! Sayonara.”

(Photo Right: With friends in Disney Land)