By Moses Kevin Sandeep, Hosted in Finland

“The adventure began on 18th August, 2017 and I can confidently say that I am on the right path to success and achievement. The members in my host family are some of the coolest people I’ve met. “Fun” is what describes them. They have been of constant support to me in settling down. And made me feel like part of the family. My host brothers are really fun to be around with and are ever ready to play or to have fun together!

Communicating in a new language is challenging. I am trying my best to work on my Finnish language skills and I believe I can do it!

Getting used to the new culture isn’t as tough as I thought it would be. There are a few difficulties but that’s what will help me overcome the hurdles and challenge my capabilities to make this year worthy and make me an independent citizen of the world. One of the best, experience is the Finnish Sauna. It’s HEAVEN! With the outside temperature as low as 1 – 10 degrees Celsius, relaxing inside a room which is heated up to 80- 90 degrees Celsius is heavenly.

The school system is really new for me. All the lessons being taught in Finnish, again requires me to learn Finnish as soon as possible. The school authorities have been of constant support and are doing their best to fulfill one of the main aims of the exchange program – Education.

Coming from an urban city, and living here in the country side is completely different. But, its way more peaceful, beautiful, and gives you a mesmerizing feeling as you experience the beauty this land has to offer. Not to forget the weather, nothing more than 15 degrees Celsius.

I’m eager to experience more new things along the journey. Honestly, its sometimes awkward because people are just too nice to you. I’m thankful to the host family, host school (Ilomantsin Lukio), AFS, my parents and my school (The Assam Valley School)for helping me in every way possible to start this adventure successfully.”