By B. Moses Herick, Natural Father of Kevin Sandeep Moses (AFS Program Student to Finland)

““Moses! You have proved that you are the best father”. “Your son is being trained to adapt to life-changing and stressful situations”. Yes, these are some of the kinds of statements that I constantly hear from my friends and family.

Photo Above: Kevin during Exchange to Finland

The reason for everyone’s concern is that my son Kevin  and I have weathered many a storm together. When I look back on my life, it seems like a lifetime away when my son and I were  knocked down by life itself. Misfortune had engulfed our lives.  Everything seemed bleak and dark, but the Universe, it seemed had other plans for us. Everything began to change and all the  pain started to vanish slowly, after entering  the beautiful, breathtaking  campus of The Assam Valley School. Doors opened even further when The Assam Valley School along with AFS  chose Kevin for the Intercultural Exchange program to visit Finland and stay there for 10 months. I strongly believe that  this was the best thing that could have happened for  my son’s future. Even from a distance in this short period I can already see marked changes in his personality. He is becoming resilient, developing a positive attitude and enhanced optimism and is able to regulate his emotions. As a parent and as a professional I know that these qualities armed with his international experience will take Kevin a long, long way. All this would have not been possible without the support of Kevin’s Host family Ms. Sari Tiainen and her wonderful children; Ilomantsin Lukio (Host School); The Assam Valley School; and AFS in particular Mr. Nikhil. Thank you everyone.”