By Sam Sunil, Volunteer from Chennai

“I took part in the Community Service trip in Indore from December 18-23. We were working in 3 schools in the villages, that were in the outskirts of the city.

I was in the Construction team. We split ourselves and were working in two schools, where construction was needed. We were building classrooms in one school and washrooms in the another. In the first school we were building four classrooms and all the classrooms had to be built in the first floor. All the materials needed like bricks, sand, cement etc. were in the ground floor and so we had to shift them to the first floor. Some of us were carrying them upstairs while the others started building the classrooms.

During this community service, I learnt how to construct rooms with the help of the constructors i.e., applying the cement and placing the brick on it and build rooms, which I was doing for the first time. Once the work was done for the day in construction, I used to go and paint the walls of the other classrooms with the other volunteers and I also took some classes to the children when I had time.

All of us who participated in this community service were working as one team and were helping each other, despite being in different groups. By the end of the community service, we were able to construct four classrooms and washrooms in two schools as planned.

On the whole it was a great learning experience for me. I learnt a lot of new things during this community service trip and it also helped me grow as a volunteer as well as a citizen. It was satisfying working there in that community for a week, giving back something for the society and I am looking forward for more opportunities like this in the future.”