The End of Stay Orientation was successfully conducted from 7th to 9th April 2018 in New Delhi. The focus of the Orientation was mainly towards preparing the participants for their return to their respective countries. For students, this becomes a common vantage point to join the dots of their exchange from the beginning and end of the journey.

Overall, 49 Host participants attended the orientation, along with 04 facilitators and the Hosting Team of AFS India. 

The facilitators equipped the participants with various talks and sessions, which were focused to prepare them for re-adjustment and re-entry to the natural countries. The students were given individual counseling moments, recognizing the dive of their exchange journey. The orientation served as moments of introspection for the participants with the real and unreal expectations. This also becomes a reason to retrospect on their actions and look forward to their goals, the shortcomings to pick themselves up and recognize the positivity in their learning for the future.

Throughout the orientation, hosted students reflected on their yearlong experiences in India. They shared what India meant to them now after the impactful year while sharing learning they have had while living in host families, communities & at school. They also talked about the importance of being a Global Citizen while keeping in mind the AFS Educational Goals. 

Overall, the orientation was a learning experience for all the hosted students as they reflected on their experience, learned the tips of adjusting back and finding ways to appreciate the learning and taking it forward back in their natural countries.