By Hannah Ochterbeck, BP Participant on Year Program (NH17), from USA; Hosted at Indore

My time as a BP Scholar in Indore with AFS India  was made particularly special by one particular person. 

During my one-year exchange, this person was my confidant and advocate. In school she assured both me and the Italian student I was with of the best experience possible by tailoring schedules to fit our needs. 

She single handedly was responsible for every project, document, or informational exchange between us students and AFS, and completed this exchange with such timely competence that we were able to fully trust her in every way. 

She took hours upon hours of time out of her days over the year to listen patiently and kindly to whatever we had to tell her. If we had questions, she would first understand the question and then answer it in a way that we could comprehend it. This is a very rare attribute, and in many cases; it became critically important. Without her, I would have missed out on many cultural exposure opportunities, as well as misunderstood many experiences. 

She never once sent judgement down upon us. Without a doubt, I can say that I was able to trust her implicitly. She made sure that we participated in every activity and that we were treated with the utmost kindness and welcome. Seemingly without effort, she was the most assuring and helpful person throughout my exchange year. Without her, I would have been at a loss more times than I could have counted. 

My gratitude to her will never grow old and would like her efforts to go noticed and appreciated. This selfless individual deserves recognition of the highest degree. 

Who is this individual possessive of such honor and ability? 

To me, she is a guardian angel, And rest of the world she is known as Ms. Raminder Mac