Thriving 30 is apioneering initiative comprising of 30 highly motivated and committed AFS alumni who will work on special projects and assignments from April 2018 to March 2019. This is an AFS India alumni leadership platform where these 30 involved alumni would act as the ‘Trendsetters of Tomorrow’ leaving behind a footprint for the next enthusiastic cohort that would be welcomed in April 2019. The cohort will work closely with the team at the National Office. Being a part of this prestigious group will not only lead to the development of the organization but also enhance the overall growth of the alumni.

Alumni selected from pan-India for the 2018-19 cohort successfully completed the first national Thriving 30 Meet from 4th to 7th May 2018 in Delhi. The objective of the meet was to set the roadmap for the year and create an action-plan of the way forward to engage with over 1000 plus alumni in India. The idea is to work with this focused group of 30 who will champion the vision and mission of AFS and include more alumni to be active thereby creating a ripple effect.

Discussing areas of action of the Network Strategy

Best minds came into action while formulating the roles, responsibilities, and functions of the Cohort, giving it a sustainable framework. The group deliberated and outlined their goals till March 2019 in line with the 4 areas of action of the Network Strategy viz Programs, Education, Volunteerism and Advocacy.

The cohort includes 4 mentors (one from each region in India) who would be guiding and mentoring the group through various projects. Having implemented large-scale community service projects themselves, these mentors facilitated a special session on Community Service- its need, designing/planning, implementation, monitoring-evaluation, and reporting. Community service projects will be a significant element of the assignments the group will undertake through the year.

Interaction with Esinam

Meet included a special guest fromAFS Ghana, Esinam Seade, a KL-YES AFS returnee who interacted with the alumni on her AFS journey as a volunteer and sharing best practices of alumni engagement and community service in Ghana. The meet witnessed some fun team building and reflective activities resonating the spirit of Intercultural Learning.

Representative from American Embassy

The Cultural Affairs Assistant – Alumni Outreach & Programs from Public Affairs Office, US Embassy, Ridhima Chabra, attended the meet and congratulated the participants for taking this initiative.She also motivated them to continue work towards the goalkeeping of the same spirit and enthusiasm.

Angela with Pablo

We were also very delighted to have AFS India Board Chairperson, Angela Roye to meet with the group and inspire them to do better.She shared that she feels proud of our alumni for undertaking the task of working towards the betterment of their fellow alumni thus, and she wishes them all the very best for the future.

We also had the privilege of having Pablo Fernande, Former National Director of Chile during the meet. He interacted with the alumni, shared his experiences of being with AFS and urged to everyone to give back to the community. He also motivated the alumni to believe in the mission of AFS and stay connected.

With the motto of ‘Growing Stronger Together’, these alumni are now committed towards engaging many more alumni and volunteers from their chapters and region. We wish them all the best. We look forward to having a powerful engagement of all the volunteers with a special focus on alumni engagement in pan-India.

“As an alumni feels good to be a part of this initiative and getting to work with the National Office. Being the pioneer batch, I look forward to doing something great.”

“I feel I am embarked on a journey to  combine both my passion and profession: which might not be easy, but it’s time for me to use effectively and  efficiently what AFS has taught me in last 5yrs: discipline, tolerance, sharing, bonding and most important leadership.”

“We as group need to work not just on bringing back the alumni but also on the overall growth ofAFS by ensuring everything and everyone is working properly. “

“What I should do as alumni is to give back to the community while working towards the mission of the organization. At the same time, I want to inspire other volunteers to do the same. These actions need not be huge but it can also be as little as to ensure that all the volunteers are engaged and are not clueless about their roles in the chapter.”

“It is going to be an amazing journey being part of thriving 30. Finally all the potential alumni are back together with great enthusiasm and determination to go ahead and be active in their own chapters.”

“Let’s be passionate about what we are doing and never give up to achieve the goals of Thriving 30!”