Deadline Extended: 9th April 2019

At a time when globalism is under attack and nationalism is on the rise, we need more active global citizens to vigorously work towards advancing global understanding, transforming their communities and the world—and solving our most pressing challenges.

2019 AFS India Annual Volunteer Meets features keynote addresses, panel discussions, concurrent sessions, workshops by like-minded organizations and results-oriented small group discussions.

We invite you to submit your proposal for a concurrent session and/or Idea Date using the below form by 9th  April 2019. Proposals can be based on best practices, innovative ideas, research findings and/or policy-oriented perspectives. They should address the Meet theme and fit into one of the five conference tracks below:

Share your Proposal on any one of these track

  1. Track 01 – What it means to be a responsible Global Citizen?.
  2. Track 02 – Importance of global citizenship education in the 21st century
  3. Track 03 – Creating Global Classrooms for a Better Tomorrow
  4. Track 04 – Strategies to implement Global Citizenship Education in Schools in India
  5. Track 05 – The role of Government and Policy-Makers in advancing Global Citizenship Education in India
  6. Track 06 – Educating for Peace: The Role of Global Citizenship Education

Who can submit a proposal?


  1. Educators
  2. Students (9thto 12thGrade)
  3. University Students
  4. Policy-Makers or Officials
  5. A Global Citizenship Education Enthusiast

Proposal Requirements and Formats

Each session proposal must contain the following information:

  1. Session title
  2. Session summary (maximum 75 words: if the proposal is accepted, the summary will be published on the conference website and in other communications)
  3. Detailed session description explaining the topic and outlining relevant methods (based on selected format) for audience interaction and engagement (maximum 300 words)
  4. At least two clear learning objectives and concrete expected outcomes for participants
  5. Presenter information (affiliation, title, email, address, etc.) and a brief bio (maximum 75 words)

Session proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the 2019 Annual Volunteer Meet theme
  • Relevance and applicability of expected session outcomes
  • Topics and session formats that are innovative, engaging, thought-provoking and unique
  • Applicability and relevance of session goals for stakeholders working on various levels.

Accepted Sessions Formats

Workshops: 45 Minutes

Workshops are interactive sessions that feature a combination of presentations and activities that engage the audience through simulations and various non-formal training methodologies. Workshops should have clear learning goals and a well-defined flow of activities that offer all participants an opportunity to take part in the process. Each workshop will have up to 30-40 participants.

Poster Presentations: 30 Minutes

Use posters and supporting print material (handouts) to share research results, theories, innovative educational tools and creative ideas with groups of participants the designated poster display. Participants should be able to share feedback with presenters and interact with each other.

Scholarships Available

Proposals that invite audience participation and engagement will be given the opportunity to avail the scholarships to present their proposal. Creative – alternative presentation techniques, group exercises, simulations, and innovative non-formal learning methodologies are encouraged.

We’ll be providing six scholarships overall:

  • 2 – 100 percent Scholarships
  • 2 – 80 percent Scholarships
  • 2 – 50 percent Scholarships

For queries or to submit proposal, reach out to Aadil F. at or call at +91-9971-148-406