In the fast-moving world, we are so inundated with responsibilities in our personal and professional lives that we don’t think of the world around us. Take a minute and think of your contribution to make the world a better place? Did you think of something? Did it create an impact? Did your action change a life if not lives? Did your initiative create a better world for a better tomorrow?

If you feel that your answer is on the less favorable side, it’s time for you to think of the world that surrounds you, provides for you and that will provide for the generations to come. Earth is 4.51 billion years old and it’s ageing — much quicker than before. The resources are being replenished and exhausted. We need change makers who can not only think but also work towards  creating a better world — a sustainable world.

While we are engaged in our lives, there are many others who take out time to be the change they want to see in the world. These change makers, with their ideas and innovations, are changing the world by working on the goals to create a better tomorrow — a tomorrow that will be appreciated by others and will exist for others.


At AFS, we encourage change-making activities. Our volunteers and alumni are engaged in various activities to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, also known as Global Goals, that are ‘a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity’. The aim of the volunteers is to do their bit in creating a real change by creating and engaging in initiatives and projects to achieve a sustainable future for all. They have done activities such as Clothes Distribution for the Needy & Underprivileged (Goal 1 – No Poverty); Khichdi Distribution Program (Goal 2 – Zero Hunger); Menstrual Health Hygiene Awareness Camp (Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-Being); Education | Serving the Underserved (Goal 4- Quality Education); Empowering Transgender Community (Goal 5 – Gender Equality and Goal 10 – Reducing Inequalities); Wall Painting (Goal 6 – Clean Water & Sanitation); Environmental Advocates | Reduce, Reuse & Recycle (Goal 12 – Responsible Production and Consumption and Goal 13 – Climate Change); Beach Cleanliness (Goal 14 – Life Below Water); Tree Plantation (Goal 15 – Life on Land); Peace Education Workshop & Webinars (Goal 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and much more. These are just few examples of the projects and initiatives started by AFS volunteers, alumni and exchange students during their time in India.

In today’s world, we are in an urgent need of change makers who are ready to address the global challenges that we’re facing in the 21st century. We need people who are ready to bring innovation to fix the challenges in the field related to poverty, environment, inequality, climate etc.  AFS encourages individual or group contribution by empowering the AFSers with right tools, resources and training, it also creates platforms where various stakeholders can come together to contribute to achieving the Global Goals. In the past, AFS India has developed partnerships with many like-minded organizations who are working towards the same goals of creating a better sustainable tomorrow.

We create Global Citizens, change making process is a big part of the same. If you want to be the change and have an idea that will make our world a better place, act now. Share with others. Partner with a friend or an organization. Reach out to organizations who are already working on the cause. The idea is to — Think Globally, Act Locally! Your mantra for your change-making process should be: Ideate, Innovate and Implement.