By Nandita Baruah, Volunteer, Guwahati Chapter

The students and educators from Mariya’s Public School, Guwahati have been doing different community service activities during the month of April and May.

“To mark the occasion of Bihu celebration, a group of students from Maria’s Public School accompanied by two teachers visited Asha, a school for differently abled children at Narengi Army cantonment in Guwahati on 12th April 2019. The program started with an inaugural speech by the principal of Asha school followed by a vote of thanks by one of the teachers of Mariya’s Public School. Thereafter the group handed over the gift hampers which consisted of seasonal snacks donated by the students of Mariya’s Public School to the children of Asha School. The children seem to be very happy while interactive with them.

Also, to add to the spirit of Bihu celebration, a group of 11 students accompanied by three teachers from Mariya’s Public School, went to Noonmati Police Station, Guwahati to celebrate the festival with the Police Officials. It was an unforgettable moment for the police officers as they never expected such a heartwarming approach from the school children. They were felicitated with our traditional axomya gamusa (beautifully woven symbolic piece of cloth with attractive graphic designs) and students conveyed their heartfelt gratitude for every type of assistance provided by the police for our safety and security. The students asked a number of questions which were happily answered by the officials. Students offered the police officials with different traditional sweets. The program ended with Bihu song and dance.

Also, on the same day, some other students from the school performed a street play to spread awareness on voting rights in the neighbourhood. The audience included the students of Raghu Nath Choudhury High School, Birkuchi and other local residents. The play had a positive impact on the students and left a mark in the minds of the local people. It ended with a great cheer and applause.

Also to spread awareness regarding health and hygiene in the month of May a group of students of Maria’s Public School visited a nearby Government school at Bonda village on 16th May 2019. On reaching the school, the Marians set the ball rolling by demonstrating on enlightening presentation focusing on the significance of environmental, water and self-cleanliness in relation to overall health well being of the students. The students from both schools also engaged in creating posters relating to environment conservation which was indeed not only aesthetic to look at but also conveyed a deep message about myriad topics such as the cleanliness of mother earth, body hygiene and systematic ways of its maintenance.”