By Bhupesh Khairnar, Volunteer, Nashik Chapter

“Varanasi- Volunteer Exchange program gave me a lot. It also taught me a lot.

I didn’t realize at all where the time passed by. I am really very grateful to AFS India for giving me such an amazing opportunity. Getting to spend a week with 8 volunteers from different states of India along with a team of Sunbeam school definitely was a pleasurable and amazing experience for me! Each day of the week had definitely something new to offer. For me, the regional volunteer exchange program means to understand the different colors of our country with our AFS family! And just like that the beautiful colors of Varanasi made me understand what a beautiful world we live in.


Sunbeam School and their other branches are AFS registered schools. It felt like the entire staff is AFS volunteers. The moment I entered the school, the first word I heard was “Jai Hind Sir” and for the next 7 days, each and every person, right from the students to the watchman said the same very proudly which for me was the most impactful thing. Thank you, Nashik chapter, thank you very much Sunbeam School. Nothing could have been possible without you all. Thank you!.”