By Vashita Darji, YES’2019-20 From Anand

“I am Vashita Darji exchange student to Sedona, Arizona from India. So this week was the falls break in my host school. So my host family planned a trip for me so I can have my first experience to American National Park and we visited a Grand Canyon National Park. It was the wonderful experience. It was always my dream to visit it and I was amazed by it. We planned two days trip to the Grand Canyon and they were probably the best days of my life. Grand Canyon’s beauty amazed me. It was so pretty site. And the best part of my trip was to see my family smiling and laughing with me and having fun with me. I also learnt about the Native American culture during my trip. How different tribes like Navajo, Hopi, Yavapai tribes used to live in that area and their agricultural patterns. They planted the three crops corn,beans and squash together and they were called three sisters crops. They were wonderful three days and I enjoyed it a lot. I would like to thank to my host family for such a wonderful experience.”