The AFS Network Strategy Meeting was held in Montreal, Canada from 11th to 13th October 2019. Partner Directors, Board Members from AFS partners attend this 3 day meeting. The goals for AFS Network meeting was to take stock of where our organisation is and to share ideas and best practices. It was time to report on the performance and Implementation of Network strategy Projects.

The 3 days of conference saw meaningful and solutions – focused conversation on key operational challenges that can help us to grow. These included discussions on declining numbers in our Flagship program, shrinking hosting capacity, Board governance, program quality and compliance, and volunteer management.

The partners also got time to interact with one another and discuss business and see how more programs and collaborations can happen between the AFS countries. It was a great time to share practices and enjoy each other company. From India the representatives were Mr. Siddharth Singh, Vice Board Chair, AFS India and Mrs. Divya Arora, National Director, AFS India.

Some of the important highlights of the conference was – AFS has entered 2 new countries – Greece and UK and the new Market Development project has been launched which aims to see an increase in program numbers. 25 online modules have been produced in AFS Foundation which is a new benchmark to showcase AFS as an Educational institute. Fundraising has increased by 32% and new programs are being launched under the names of Global Prep and Global Choice.