By Bhavya Arora, Training & Development Coordinator, AFS India

Primary to exemplary leadership that drives social change is a leadership rooted in character and values. This has been yet another chance to be recognised for a character rooted leadership opportunity in my efforts towards social change and development. The truth is, social change is a slow process. It takes years before you see a sustainable change but that does not take from the years the impact it starts building and showing right at the onset of efforts investment.

I am happy to have almost 9 years volunteering recognised by The Campus Connect – REX Karmaveer Global Young Leaders Fellowship and Karmaveer Chakra Awards instituted by iCONGO in partnership with United Nations fraternity.

The purpose of this fellowship is to mentor young leaders so that they understand the value of character rooted leadership and how character and not just competence takes people ahead. Thus, the fraternity is building a culture of volunteering, which has been recognised as the best form of leadership. This will also introduce the fellows to a culture of learning-to- learn, which is one of the most essential skills.

The fellowship is a learning and collaborative process that results in personal and vocational growth for one and all. The fellowship included a knowledge dissemination, sharing and networking platform called Global Youth Leaders Fellowship CONCLIVE on October 12, 2019 at IIT Delhi.

In the many years of association with AFS, first as a volunteer and now as staff, I am proud to share that my affiliation brings me value and develops my leadership potentials more. I am happy to be a part of AFS’s ideation of creating a culture rooted towards building a just and peaceful world and am so happy to be a part of the #AFSEffect.