years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

Costa Rica is the place of pura vida (pure life), a contagious attitude of living life to the fullest. And it shows – Costa Rica is the world’s happiest country according to the Happy Planet index. A peaceful country with no standing army, Costa Rica has a long democratic tradition. Democracy, peace, and political freedom are often mentioned as their greatest blessings.

By living with a host family and studying at a local high school in Costa Rica, you’ll be fully immersed in their Spanish language dialect and vibrant culture. You’ll be so much more than a tourist. But you’ll still get to visit some of Costa Rica’s most popular destinations on a one-week bus trip with other AFS Exchange Students from all over the world. Most of the time, you’ll simply live pura vida.

Costa Ricans call themselves “ticos,” and you’ll often hear them demonstrate their national pride by describing something as “muy tico,” or “very Costa Rican.” Ticos are generally easy-going, so you’re likely to get along with most people you meet.

With its tropical climate, biodiversity, fresh food, and relaxed lifestyle, studying abroad in Costa Rica is an enchanting way to discover a new culture. In time, through your homestay and high school life, you’ll feel at home in this idyllic society.

School Yearlong Program offers you a great opportunity to live and study in another country for a period of up to 11 months.  This program will suit you if you really want to live with a host family, learn a new language and feel a part of a local community.

For information regarding partial scholarships, please write to us at

Eligibility Requirements

Date of Birth: 14 July 2006 to 14 July 2008

What's included in your experience

  • Airfare
  • Host Family Placement
  • Housing
  • Meals
  • School Placement
  • Individual Contact Person
  • Medical Insurance
  • 24/7 Emergency Support
  • Assistance with Application Process
  • Visa Application Assistance
  • Pre-Departure Orientation
  • Orientations during your time abroad
  • Re-entry Orientation
  • Access to Alumni Network
  • Worldwide Presence
  • 70 Years Experience

What you are responsible for

  • Vaccinations
  • Visa and Passport Fees
  • School Materials
  • Project Materials
  • Stipend