With participants & trainers

A regional meeting titled AFS-AAI ICL & OD Responsibles Regional was organized in India from 23rd-24th April 2017 where trainers from AFS International, Hazar Yildirim and Marika Strauss, trained 9 participants from various countries.

During the 2-days retreat, these topics were covered:

  • Volunteer Journey- One of the most imperative journey for Organizational development at a glance with focus on the different stages of volunteer journey (to strategies to retain and motivate experienced and old volunteers along with the newly recruited ones.
  • Building Collaborative Relationship – Methods on building collaborative relationships with no only with schools and educators but also amongst National Office Staffers and Chapters
  • Session on World Café – It focussed on various tools of World cafe such as Announcements, Creative lab, Bio sheets, AFS Intranet and discussion on how to use these tools could be useful at Chapter level during different operations, especially for Hosting Process.
  • Student and Host Family Journey- Each stage of Student’s Journey and Host Family Journey and Exchange of best practices with each in implementing both the journeys at respective countries.
  • Learning about diversity in AFS communities and providing support to each other to successes and methods to overcome the challenges

The Retreat aimed to provide insights to the participants as to how these methodologies can be applied in their own organization which would lead to improvement and enhancement of both Organizational Development and Intercultural Learning areas.

Thanks to all the participants for being in India to join this meet, and special thanks to both the International trainers for their time & efforts.