Annual meeting of AAI was held in Delhi from 23rd to 24th April, 2017. The AAI meetings was attended by dynamic leaders from 10 partner countries. We also had our special guests from USA – Jorge Castor ( National Director, AFS USA) and Daniel Obst ( President, AFS International) be part of our meetings.

From left: New Secretariat Taking Oath, Taking award on behalf of Indian volunteers, Team Building Exercise

The 2 day meeting focused on interaction between the partners in form of P2P meetings on first day and more operations driven on the 2nd day.  The atmosphere created in these meetings promotes participation through a wide range of session types designed to support its members with diversity. The 2nd day started with motivational talk from Frank Gurrea on Leadership Journey where he shared the attributes a leader should have. Besides the usual topics of discussions Elections for AAI secretariat was conducted. The new AAI secretariat members are: Angela Roye, Presidnet; Hector Dimacali, Vice President; Nina Nasution, Secretary; and Heinrich Moser, Treasurer.

The day concluded with having award ceremony for our Best volunteers from each country.