ICL Level W training was conducted for 14 volunteers in Chennai on 12 March 2017. The alumna, Manshi Gala (YES’12) was one of the facilitators along with a senior trainer (Ajay Mehta, NQT). It was a great experience for the trainers as well as learning experience for all the participants. Everyone enjoyed the sessions as it was all synced with each other and the methodology adopted by trainers helped in conducting the sessions swiftly. Thanks to all for attending the workshop, and special thanks to both the trainers for facilitation.  

“Level W Intercultural Learning Training was held in MCC School. It was a great experience for  me. I learn a lot about intercultural and how to understand people from a different culture. The training wasn’t boring at all it has a lot of fun activities, a lot of fun games and ice breaker which can be connected to the session. The training starts at 9 in the morning until 6 in the evening. Although it’s sound very long, but it doesn’t feel like it. Because all of us had a great time. The session talks about a lot of things such as Intercultural Learning, making culture tangibles, cultural dimension, communication style, etc. we also talk about our real experience about cultural difference. Overall it was a great experience, it gave me a new perspective and  a new view to the world.”

By Raihan Pratama Mauladi, From Indonesia, Hosted in Chennai