By Zalak Kapadia, From Vadodara, Hosted in Italy

“I am about to complete my exchange year but it seems as if I have started my life here couple of months back.

Meeting new people, living in a new environment with a new family was equally exciting and apprehensive. It was very different but I don’t know how this difference helped me to know more about myself. I’m learning every day since the day of arrival.  The hardest part was only one in this experience was to say good bye to my natural family. But now I feel, Good bye means “let’s meet again in a good and different way”. During my exchange year, I did a lot of activities and adventure which I never thought of doing in my entire life. Few weeks ago, I visited to many interesting places and I was a part of a typical Italian wedding as well. It was so much fun.

This exchange year has truly enhanced my understanding towards people, different cultures.  It has made me feel that we all same just with different names and identities.

I always wanted to learn a new language and a different culture which I could do during this exchange. I feel learning a new language has deeply helped me in growing and strengthening my relationship with the people here. I learned that a good relationship never requires words to understand the other person.  Hope this experience never ends. For the rest of my time in Italy, I am really excited to explore more of this beautiful country.”