Under 2017 YES Alumni Small Grants, few YES Alumni submitted their projects. It is great to share that the projects of Chintan Mehta (YES’13) and Akash Kumar (YES’14) have been approved for the grant.  Chintan has been selected under individual category for The EduSol Project and Akash under group category for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Society.


Akash Kumar: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Delhi)  

A group of YES alumni and other similar minded individuals concerned about the low level of awareness regarding the (SDGs) at the grassroots level. Akash as the group leader will lead the group to design, develop and carry out training modules and workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the school children in Delhi which would focus on incorporating sustainable practices in day-to-day lives. The project eyes towards personality development of the children by engaging them in developmental work and solving local problems. As a part of long term initiatives,the team is looking towards creating a culture of youth engagement in developmental work in schools of Delhi. This would in turn create a framework for achieving sustainable development along with engaging the youth. The project will start from August 15, 2017 and it will go on till September 27, 2018.


Chintan Mehta: The EduSol Project (Rajkot-based alumni, studying in Bangalore) 

The EduSol project is designed to educate the middle school students about the emerging field of Renewable Energy with focus on the Solar Energy. The unfamiliarity of Renewable Energy among the school students is the primary target. The current Indian school curriculum doesn’t include Clean Energy and various career opportunities in this emerging field. Also there’s a need for proper statistics pertaining to the ‘Awareness of Solar Energy among students in India’. The first part of the project involves acquiring practical skills and building small scale Solar Powered Projects. The second part of the project involves creating scientific awareness about Solar Power among students. This Project will also include conducting a Pre and a Post Survey for the students so that a Statistical Report can be prepared.