By Umashankari Hemade, Hosted in New Mexico

“My first day I just slept the whole day but on the second day I went to see the town and register for the school. It felt so different yet so nice. It felt like I have been living here forever.

When I was landing in Albuquerque, I felt so peaceful, like I have returned back to America. I know it sounds weird but to me it felt like a warm hug. I am loving it here. I met so many people on my second day here, and they couldn’t believe that this is the first time I came to America. They felt like I have been living here forever! Isn’t that amazing!!

I love this place a lot. It’s beautiful and very welcoming. I already have lots of extra credits in all my classes.

I am learning a dance from Baile folklorico and I had my first performance yesterday at the New Mexico State Fare which was the best experience of my exchange year so far!”