By Aban Padung, Went to Spain on Intercultural Summer Camp

“My journey began on the 1st of July, 2017 when I met all the other Indians who were going along with me when we left for Malaga, Spain. I truly did not have any expectation or what this one month would do for us.

But the impact that this trip has had on me was marvelous. It gave me a break from reality. It gave me some good free time away from my busy schedule. I could just be me for a while, with no filters on to impress anybody. It gave me a broader perspective about everything around but the one thing that I cherish the most out of all the things is the bonding, the relationship that we created with the people we stayed with during this one month.

The food and culture of Spain is completely different from our country which was kind good since it gave you a different feeling in your taste buds which was pretty enlightening. If I had to sum up the program as a whole then, I would say it was a five star experience and this one month would go down as one of the best one month i have ever had. I can now proudly say that i have an international family who I can always fall back upon.

(Photo Above: Outings with the group)

AFS is doing a wonderful job trying to create an atmosphere for young people to interact with people from a completely different places, culture, values and background. Keep up with the good work and thank you for making me a part of this wonderful journey.”