By Vatsal Mehta, Hosted in Maryland

“Recently, in the month of August, I participated in a youth cultural ambassador program by the American Turkish Association of Washington DC (ATA-DC) and got selected to be one of the fifteen youth cultural ambassadors in the DC metropolitan area. The high school students who got selected for this program were given an opportunity to participate in different events organised by ATA-DC like ‘The World Bank Tour’, ‘US Congress Tour’ and their major event ‘The Turkish Festival’ where the participants were given the opportunity to volunteer and a certificate for appreciation for being a part of the program.

As a part of the program, on 7 Sep 2017, I got a chance to take a tour of the World Bank Headquarters and got to see the virtual tour of Istanbul presentation by ATA – DC at the World Bank along with meeting some amazing people there.

(Photo Above: Visit to Capitol Hill)

I also got to visit the US Capitol Hill on 13 Sep 2017 where I interacted with a Congresswoman and had a tour inside the Capitol Hill.

I feel that being on an AFS cultural exchange program leaves you with plenty of opportunities to develop yourself into your best selves and for this I am thankful to all who are involved in my wonderful journey.”