By Avnika Baid, Friend of Elena & Alice, Hosted Student at Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls’ Public School, Jodhpur

“I met a girl with greyish-blue eyes

Like a sky within which a storm lies

For her, no adventure would ever suffice

It seemed like she always wanted an edge to her life.

The other one was bold and kind

Her heart filled with adrenaline

Dreams alive in her soul, but frozen in time

She was a diamond decorated in a windchime.

My meeting was exhilarating

And their personalities breathtaking

I hadn’t met two people so different yet so correlating

All I remember was that their enthusiasm was invigorating.

Elena, Alice you have a heart of gold

I want you to accept this love until its old

I appreciate you for being this brave and bold

And carving this beauty of a kinship mould!”