By Nihar Mehta, From Vadodara, Hosted in Portland, OR

“My exchange so far has taught me a lot and given me a lot of different kind of experiences. One of them was the trip to Orlando. I won a talent hunt and won a trip to Orlando for the PAX national conference. It was an honour to share my Indian culture with the people present for the conference. The conference was lot of fun, PAX had arranged a 70’s themed party. It was a dance and costume party they also had a best costume contest which I won.

From the trip to Orlando

After the conferences were over PAX arranged a visit for us to the Disney’s Magic Kingdom. I had a great time at the conference. Also this month I went to my first American football game. And above all I got to fulfill my dream, I went to the Harry Potter world. I am huge potterhead and a chance to go there was just so overwhelming. And I got to do so much more in Orlando, I went to Madame Tussaud and fun boat rides. Overall this month has been the best one so far.”