By Fiza Vahora, From Anand, Hosted in Copperton, UT

“I had a wonderful opportunity to attend DigiGirlz. DigiGirlz is an event hosted by Microsoft to give opportunities to middle school and high school girls to learn more about computer technology and it’s aspects. It provides opportunities to learn more about careers in technology and to encourage girls that career in technology is for all. I was selected by my computer programming teacher to attend this event along with two other girls from my school.

At event hosted by Microsoft

The event had various sessions that taught different things like coding through iterative designs, web front development, aspects of mechanical engineering and how to think outside the box and how to create 3-D models of buildings and everyday objects with virtual design. The panel discussion informed more about how it is being a woman in the field of technology and how to set goals and achieve them. The event was really helpful and taught me about different aspects and opportunities in the field of technology. It was one of the best thing that happened to me in this exchange year so far. I am so thankful to everybody who is part of my exchange year. The exchange year has given me number of opportunities to be better and help in creating better environment for others”