By Sneha K. Patel, Volunteer, AFS Gandhinagar Chapter

On 21 April 2018, members of Gandhinagar Chapter gathered at Restaurant, experiencing mixed emotions as they bid farewell to Annika Champe from America and Jonte Timon Weixler from Germany. Hearts grieved with the tidings of separation whereas souls throbbed lively having extended the horizons of steady future relationships and true bonding. All the office bearers, host families and resplendent volunteers shone bright in red as it was the decided color to be worn for the evening. Priya and Dhruv were the comperes and aptly reigned the events of the evening flawlessly.

Farewell Speech

Dr. Varsha Parekh, the dynamic president of the chapter commenced the program by welcoming all and sharing the details of the activities related to AFS Programs and also encouraged all for their amicable participation in the GYSD activities. Later on principals of M. B. Patel English Medium Secondary and Higher Secondary School, Mr. Arpit Christian and Vasu International School, Mrs. Meena Joshi were duly felicitated for providing aesthetic and pragmatic ambiance and versatile experiences in their schools. Host families were moved emotionally as they were offered token of love on behalf of AFS for beautifully performing their responsibilities of taking care of exchange students by showering them with their love, generosity and kindness. Tears of affection filled the eyes especially of the host mothers and one of them namely Varuni Buch expressed that she felt that motherly affection does not remain limited to one’s own progeny but a mother’s love flows for anyone who makes a lady feel like a mother. Annika’s countenance was so appealing that Mrs. Buch couldn’t resist herself to prove to be the best mom for her.

Gandhinagar Volunteers

The evening proceeded with the vice president, Mr. Keval Gajjar discussing about the alumni programs and other related activities that concerned active and enthusiastic participation of the volunteers. Annika and Jonte singing the National Anthem by holding the national flag of India was among the most proud and endearing moment of the evening. Annika then made everyone gasp with astounding amazement with her traditional Rajasthani dance performance on the Ghoomar Song. Evening passed eloquently amid the chimes of blessings and best wishes elaborately extended towards Annika and Jonte. Parting took place after relishing the delicacies served at the restaurant. Dhaval, Utpal, Mr. Anish and family took care of the venue and capturing the event to be cherished in future. One more memorable feather was thus added in the splendid stride of the Gandhinagar Chapter.