By Reetta Elina Tenhunen, School Program participant from Finland, Hosted in Delhi

“At the moment the situation in Kerala is very bad. For the community service and to give a little help from our side, we decided to collect old newspapers to sell them and give the money for the Kerala’s flood relief.

We went door to door in our building to ask people old newspapers. Most of the people happily gave their old papers to us, which was great to see. The activity of the day thought me that very small gestures from people together can bring postive change and can be of huge help. It didn’t cause lot of effort for us to carry papers or people to give old newspapers to us, but still we raised good amount money, almost 5000 rupees!

Also, it inspired me to give my help more often in the future and to contribute to the betterment of the society. It didn’t take anything else than a little time from me, but gave a good feeling of being helpful. In addition I had lot of fun time hanging out with friends while doing a good deed that’d help someone in Kerela.”