S. No. Name of the Scholarship Particulars No of Scholarships Amount of Scholarships in INR Remarks
1 Accelerator Scholarship This is a scholarship specially designed for chapters exhibiting potential growth. These chapters would be considered  “Accelerator Chapters”. 8 1600000
  • Accelerator chapters are – Pune, Ahmedabad, Nagpur (Pulgaon), Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Guwahati, Kolkata and Rajkot
  • This will be first-come-first-served basis only
2 Underserved Scholarship This scholarship will provide a platform to the potential participant who otherwise may not be able to avail the program in full-fee-payment structure 8 2000000 Selection Criteria for Underserved

  • The participants should be from lower / middle income Background
  • To confirm the income background Home Visit by Volunteers is a MUST
  • Participant to provide income proof for the family (IT Return/Form 16) along with the application. Details of the Parental/Ancestral Property to be also disclosed in the application
  • The participant should have earned minimum B+ or B1 grade in last three years
  • Participants shouldn’t have traveled abroad for personal reasons
  • Selection of the Participant will be towards the end of the selection process at the National Office
  • Since AFS IND is offering these special scholarships, volunteers should ensure that these are given to appropriate and deserving candidates
  • The decision of the AFS IND National Office will be final in this regard.
3 Host School/ Host Family Scholarship This scholarship is to recognize the host schools and host families of year program 4 600000 This is applicable to Host Schools and Host Families who have hosted for a year
4 Semester / Trimester Scholarship for Member Schools Trimester or Semester Program Scholarship for Member Schools 4 300000
  • Scholarship of INR 75,000 would be offered to a student from a member school
  • This is first-come-first-served basis
Total 24 4500000  


Please Note: 

  • Scholarships are not applicable to High Demand Countries Like USA, Canada, Germany and Switzerland
  • No two scholarships can be combined
  • AFS Intercultural Programs India can change and/or withdraw any scholarship at any time without any prior notice

To download Partial Scholarships for AFS Programs 2019-20, please click HERE