AFS Effect+ Global Citizenship Education workshop was organized on 1st December 2018 at Indore Public School, Main Campus, Indore. A total of 40 students from IX standard attended the Workshop and learned about the Sustainable Developmental Goals adopted by the UN. The resource person for the workshop was Sarita Badhwar.

What is Effect+? 

Effect+ workshops used interactive learning methods to teach students how they can advance the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while also helping them develop intercultural competences, become savvy about the world around them, and be prepared to make an impact in their local communities. This supports the global movement to advance intercultural learning and global citizenship education and AFS’s role in it. 

“This world of 7 billion people has a plethora  of religious races, castes, and creeds where all the communities teach their members good values.  Yet, it seems as if we have  grown  numb  to  problems such as climate change and global hunger.  Politically, we are producing more national leaders than international ones. Everyone seems so secluded that they do not even discuss their problems with each other. 

AFS India conducted a workshop in YPS, Mohali  on January 18, 2019 on ‘Global Citizenship and Education’. It helped in inculcating the values of global citizens in the students and in making them aware of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how as a society we should be able to work towards these goals.

I always go by the saying, ‘Think globally, act locally.’  We should think that whatever we do  in our locality is affecting the whole globe;  so it is up to us whether we leave a positive or a negative impact. To become a Global Citizen you do not need a passport; all you need are certain characteristics–the most important one being empathy. 

Besides that, the workshop also made us realise that we do not  inherit the earth  from our ancestors but borrow it from our children. We must be considerate to future generations and always try to put ourselves in someone else’s position to understand their problems. Only then can we rightfully  call ourselves Global Citizens. “

Gunjeet Bhullar, Student of YPS Mohali