AFS Effect+ Global Citizenship Education workshop was organized on 1st December 2018 at Indore Public School, Main Campus, Indore. A total of 40 students from IX standard attended the Workshop and learned about the Sustainable Developmental Goals adopted by the UN. The resource person for the workshop was Sarita Badhwar.

What is Effect+? 

Effect+ workshops used interactive learning methods to teach students how they can advance the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while also helping them develop intercultural competences, become savvy about the world around them, and be prepared to make an impact in their local communities. This supports the global movement to advance intercultural learning and global citizenship education and AFS’s role in it.

“Very few instances come by in your life when you get your chance. And when I say ‘by your chance’, I mean it is an opportunity for you to express yourself unstintingly. Effect+ gave us a totally distinguished modus of expressing our thoughts candidly which strengthened our self-confidence and boosted our willpower for making an impact on the world. We saw many knowledgeable videos which we were quizzed upon. 

Being a change maker requires true determination, diligence, people skills, passion towards the cause, and empathy for the people whom you are working for. That drive is so important for your cause that it can completely remove your hindrances from the root. 

We imbibed a lot of skills and virtues from this session and thoroughly brain – stormed for solutions of global crises. We were optimized towards the motive of being the global leaders of tomorrow by dint of a wide assortment of exercises and Audio Visuals. 

We all left with a lot more than we came with and were enriched in profound thoughts as well as prompt syllogism. Furthermore, this session also honed my people skills as an individual. The gist of this workshop lay in the fact that we all inculcated the values of honesty, nonpartisanship, responsibility, innovativeness, passion, courage, and above all empathy. It is time to action jointly and bring a change.”

— Avtansh Gargya, Student of YPS Mohali