By Pawan Tanwar, Staff, AFS India

“AFS Community Service Trip 2019 is one of the most memorable time of my life. It is an amazing feeling to be a part of this event because this was the first time I have been to Gujarat, lived in Gujarati culture and got to know our volunteers so closely.

I heard a lot about Gujarati food and always had the curiosity to eat and know more about it. I got the chance to explore the food. There were 3 members in my host family– father, mother, and Son. All were very nice and made us feel at home. I was in a very good host family and they took good care of me and made me feel at home.

I also got a chance to go to Sanskruti Kunj fair. It was very rich and diverse experience in the context of culture. There were folk dancers from different parts of India in an Indian setup constructed by mud without any steel and cement.

My favorite part and one of the main reason why I wanted to be a part of this event was meeting volunteers in person. I enjoyed spending time with AFS volunteers while working together for a good cause. They were very enthusiastic and I had a good time with all of them.

Many thanks to Aadil Sir and Divya Ma’am for arranging this event with fabulous planning and taking care of the minute details. Everyone has learned a lot from their preparation and execution. This event has set standards for coming years to follow. “