By Heena Shehzad, Staff Member, National Office

“Each day at community service made me understand and witness a new perspective towards life, equally giving me so many fun and memorable experiences. I became friends with the volunteers and alumni. I was involved in the Art & Craft group but I got to learn so many other things from students of the school.

I had an opportunity to serve mid-day meals in one of the schools where I  learned that meal is the highlight for the students, it brings immense joy on their faces.  I observed that the students in all the three schools where we worked, were aware of the importance of clean surroundings around them. One day, when I reached the school, I saw one of the students mopping the floor. Being asked why is he doing it? He answered, “My clean surrounding makes me stay healthy!”.

Volunteering has helped me remain active and feel part of the community. It was a rewarding experience. I have always worked as a staff but seeing life as a volunteer was truly amazing.”