By Saloni Pathak, AFS Alumni  & Volunteer, Gandhinagar Chapter

“Community service had a lot of positive effect on me, such as it helped me in developing my skills, making contacts, and getting an opportunity to improve the quality of life for others. As we know that electronic communication is so prevalent in today’s world, and having an idea about electronic devices such as a computer is so essential to communicate today,  we taught students how to operate a computer on a daily basis.

Also, as we know playing sports is good for health. Taking part in sport is important for children as it reduces stress and enhances students mind and mood. Children have to be active every day; physical activity stimulates growth and leads to the improved physical, emotional health and active their brains. We taught them about good habits, self-confidence, and other positive skills for their benefit. We organized medical camps for the villages free of cost for the healthy life of the villagers. The community service project was a wonderful experience for all of us.”