By Sheren Shariff. H, Alumni, and Volunteer, Chennai Chapter

It all started from learning the cultural differences and giving back to the community. The first chance that I got after coming back from the United States was the National community service trip and I used it in all the possible way I could. The one week in Gandhinagar was all about learning and teaching others. This reminded me of a quote saying  “In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn”. I learned a lot by teaching the students at Borij school, staying with the native people of Gujarat, visiting famous places in Gandhinagar, socializing with people from different parts of India and making long lasting friendship.

All these experience made my trip a beautiful and memorable one which I can cherish all my lifetime. Interacting with the school students at Borij was just awesome because kids were always eager and passionate to learn new things. Coming to my host family, I would like to take this chance to thank them, “I thank them so much for opening their lovable home for me and for the care and love that showered on me for that one week,” I just felt the way I feel at home. The emotional moment was when I left home, I really didn’t want to go back to Chennai. Thanks to my host family for giving me that feeling. Last but not least, I would like to thank Divya mam and Aadil Bhai for their constant support and for choosing me as one of the participants. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.