Group of 40 Kennedy-Lugar YES batch 2018-19 students were welcomed at the Delhi Airport on 15th June. The AFS India staff received them at the airport and the students stayed in Delhi till

17th June evening and attended a Re-Entry Orientation. The orientation sessions mainly focus on Reverse Cultural Shock and the Tips for Readjustment in the Family, School and Society. Some of the other important sessions conducted were Alumni Engagement, Tree of Life, The New Me, Achievements during the Exchange Program, Being Back Home, etc. They were also introduced to various intercultural learning concepts that gave them skills and understanding to navigate through their readjustment journey back in India.

One of the highlights of the orientation was when participants got to read Dear Me letters which they wrote a year back and also saw the Before/After the presentation of how they have changed in looks. It was a great way to make them realize the change that took place over a year gap. AFS India staff also had a one to one interaction with the students and overall the participants had a wonderful experience and they enjoyed their stay back in their host country.

YES Returnees were also given an idea about chapter engagements. They were made aware of the AFS India’s processes and various activities that they can participate in once they go back to their chapters. Each of the staff members of AFS India connected with the returnee via an online call to introduce the processes and gave them clarity on the expectations once they go back to chapter as alumni.

We wish the newly YES graduates good luck. We look forward to seeing them get engaged and participate in various activities as an alumnus and volunteers. Our heartfelt gratitude to all the stakeholders for their tremendous support to the students.