The Batch of 2019-20 young ambassadors came together to attend the National Pre-Departure orientation Camp in Delhi from 10th to 13th June 2019. It was a 4 day camp with a total of 50 students participating in the same. This year, we have students going to USA, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark for a yearlong AFS program. Students from Belgium, France and Italy had a chance to meet the Officials from the Embassy where they

interacted to gain deeper insight into the culture and learn from their experiences. We’re thankful to the officials for giving us their precious time. The aim of the orientation was to guide and prepare the students for the program before their departure to their respective hosted countries in upcoming months.

The sessions focused on:

  • Setting the students expectation from the program
  • AFS Rules and communication channel
  • Iceberg concept of culture
  • Tips for adapting to a new culture
  • Being an ambassador
  • Adjustment in a host school and host family
  • Indian traditions & religious matters
  • Budgeting tips
  • Tips on the packing list
  • Types of communication

New techniques and methodologies were adopted to carry out the sessions which made participants interact and take an active part in group activities and energizers. Intercultural components were added to give more exposure to the participants about being on exchange programs and how ICL can help them achieve their goals overall during the exchange program.

We had AFS India alumni as facilitators for the orientation along with the AFS India staff members. AFS Students got great exposure during their time with AFS alumni. The students are excited to experience the exchange, and they look forward to starting their journey in their hosted countries.