PEACE Arrival Orientation was held on 2nd July 2019 in New Delhi. This is the first time that AFS India has hosted participants on the PEACE program. PEACE program is a trimester program focusing on the enhancement of global citizenship. Overall, we had 8 participants from which includes three from Turkey, three from Italy, one from Belgium and one from Portugal.

 The orientation was facilitated by Simone Kundu, our peace alumni along with Priyam Panchal, our volunteer from Gandhinagar and Nishad, an alumni and volunteer from Trivandrum. From the National Office, we had two staff members present to facilitate the orientation.

The facilitators were glad to understand that the students had very realistic expectations from the program. While briefing them about risk management, host family and host school life, the students participated very well by asking questions. They were made to do role-plays to make sessions more interesting. It was a half-day orientation and post-lunch the students departed to their host chapters. The chapters received the students with great enthusiasm and love.