By Shraddha Soni, Volunteer, Gandhinagar Chapter

“We decided to do this community service at Muktidham (cemetery) in our chapter meeting of June. One of our volunteers Laxmi Joshi, who runs an NGO, distributed books to those poor children. Chapter president Varsha Parekh acknowledged that mere giving books is not enough and the chapter decided to take initiative of all round development of children living at Muktidham cemetery.

In July we did tree plantation activity with our host students and NSS students from M.B. Patel English Medium School. The program officer of NSS Varsha Parekh and the principal of the school, Arpit Christian also joined in tree plantation activity. More than 500 saplings were planted by students. Our different volunteers visit muktidham twice a week and teach the poor students living there at their preferable time.

According to our volunteers, students are very enthusiastic to learn. They enjoyed learning from our volunteers. They mostly preferred to learn Maths, English and Yoga. The volunteers donated boards and benches to them. The students were very respectful towards the volunteers. The chapter has decided to continue this activity throughout the year as the students have shown a lot of interest.”