By Shreyasi Roy, Volunteer, Gandhinagar Chapter

Independence Day Celebration

“This year, India celebrated its 73rd Independence Day On 15th August. On this occasion, our Principal, Arpit Christian, Supervisor Suparna Mukherjee along with Silvan and Marica took part in the flag hoisting ceremony in the Governor’s House of Gujarat, Raj Bhawan, in Gandhinagar. Hon’ble Governor Shri Devvrat Acharya hoisted the Indian flag.


After the ceremony both the students attended the flag hoisting ceremony of the state capital, Gandhinagar, held in Ram Katha Maidan. There Dr. Varsha Parekh explained the significance of Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan to them. The students, then, gave Independence Day greetings to the Regional Officer and Deputy Secretary Shri Sanjiv Kumar and were also introduced to the Higher Officers of the Education Department of the Govt. of Gujarat. They also saw the school parade presented by M.B. Patel School and enjoyed the different cultural programs.

Principal Arpit Christian and Dr. Varsha Parekh briefed the officers of Gujarat Collectorate about the different activities of AFS. Thereafter, Silvan and Marica introduced themselves in Gujrati. Everybody present there were happy to meet them. Marica also tied Rakhi to Silvan and celebrated Raksha Bandhan. The programs left a deep impact on Marica and Silvan. They whole-heartedly appreciated the Indian culture. The impact was so great that on the very next day Silvan told Varsha Madam in Gujrati that he has started loving India.”

Hindi Diwas Celebration

14th September is observed as Hindi Diwas in order to make Hindi as India’s National Language since 1949. Today, Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world after English, Spanish and Mandarin.

“The theme of Hindi Diwas Celebration was ‘Lend your hand- Extend Your Support‘. This year M.B Patel

School came together with Blind School students in grand celebrations in the event.  During the event students of M.B.Patel School, including Marica and Silvan (Host Students) sat beside the blind students and interacted with them. Everybody was deeply moved by the excellent performances of the blind students in both singing and orchestra. This made the bonding stronger.

The Chief Manager, Senior Manager and Officer-in-charge of Hindi language of Bank of Baroda, Principal of the blind school and Principal of M.B. Patel, Mr. Arpit Christian graced the occasion. Besides the prizes given by Bank of Baroda, Arpit Sir also gave the winners a token of appreciation on behalf of the school.

Marica and Silvan enthralled the audience with their Hindi prayer song. Everybody appreciated their song – ‘Na phool charaun, na mala charaun….’ and lauded their efforts of picking up Hindi in such a short period.

They also participated in the card-making competition and made beautiful cards for which they will be receiving government certificates. They too lend their hand in escorting the blind students and teachers to stage. The smile on their faces revealed how good they felt. They were touched by the entire event.”