Mesmerizing Malaysia

By Shikha Jain, Volunteer, Bangalore Chapter

“What can you ask from a volunteer exchange program? Experience, Cultural Exposure, learning about people and their way of living, Food, Lifestyle and so on. It was a holistic experience which gave us an insight on Malaysian people, culture, food and customs of Malaysia – A true AFS experience. Ipoh is a town with beautiful cityscapes, flanked with towering white cliffs with magnificent temples pocketed in the limestone. It is a peaceful town unlike KL and one could feel the warmth of Malay culture here.

The fun we had together will always be cherished for years. I’m so thrilled and geared up again for many more volunteering work associated with AFS. We visited the Rehabilitation center, Persatuan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Buntong where we were amazed to see the energy and selflessness of the trustees and volunteers who are working with the people of special needs. It was such an experience to see the greatness of these pure souls.”

New Culture Exploration Through International Exchange

By Shivaji Shinde, President, Nashik Chapter

“I did not know where I was going, but I was already on my way. New people, new lifestyle, new food, new thinking, to a totally different culture. Staying in India and a country which is roof to every religion and every human, I never noticed it. But during this exchange unknowingly I was surprised to see this Unity in diversity. And second impactful thing was every citizen following all traffic rules and regulations which was applaudable. People would follow the traffic signal even at 5 a.m. In all my experience was memorable and full of happiness.”

Outset of Motivation

By Mrs. & Mr. Kanak Pathak, Volunteer, Vadodara Chapter

“At the outset, we would like to thank AFS India to give us a wonderful opportunity to participate in Volunteer Exchange program to Malaysia with spouse. The Education system here has been well organised and we were surprised to know that this school has been a Government school and has been provided with all equipment and facility need to the students. Every classroom were well decorated and hygienic. The atmosphere was such that motivated to study.”

Transmitters of Culture

By Seema Sheikh, Volunteer, Mumbai Chapter

“It was an edifying experience that gave us a first hand experience of intercultural learning and also made us reflect on our own practices. My wishes are all keeping in mind the growth of AFS as an organisation and the impact that we as transmitters of culture create on the rest of the world.”

An Amazing Experience

By Santosh Gaikwad, Volunteer, Nashik Chapter

“The program was very amazing. I got to know many new things. Malaysia is very clean and beautiful country. The new things I got to know is that all the schools in malaysia are Government schools. The overall program was very nice.”