By Manisha Bhole, Volunteer, Nashik Chapter

“The ravaged floods across the Kolhapur and Sangli districts incurred tremendous losses to the livelihood and assets of people.

AFS Volunteers at Nashik have shown their commitment to the flood affected population by participating in immediate response and relief in front lines joining hands with respective District.

Moreover, in order to relieve the thousands of victims from pain and agony, Volunteers at Sanjay Ghodawat International School and Nashik chapter came together and contributed various items that helped the victims.

We bring you face to face with some of the selfless volunteers who worked behind the scenes. members. Bhupesh Khairnar, Jeevan shinde, Pramod Kangune, Jayshri Jadhav, Manisha Bhole travelled overnight to the site which is 450 kms away from Nashik.

Manisha Bhole says – “One of old villager Mr. Patil told what actually happened with them and how they made possible to survive. He shared that just because of this kind of help they were able to survive, since flood situations they had no work for income and no source at all for getting daily basic need things. How can we describe our feelings. its difficult to say anything.

The people, the children were looking at us with a great pain and with the hope that maybe we had come there to give them the food for the next few days and many more I addressed the people that may be they got help for few months but then they must have to stand on their own feet. Its difficult but they are not alone, thousands of helping hands are with them. Just fight with the situation and take responsibility to survive. We were not doing any kind of favor on anybody but sharing what we have to our people. Maybe our hands are little.

We observed the village, saw the broken houses, heard the broken hearts, felt the pain, gathered the courage to wipe the tears, gathered the courage to see the truth of life everything made us silent just silent.”

A villager told us – “There is a famous temple in Nashik which we have never been able to see. However, the volunteers from Nashik came in the form of God to help them.”