By Hitesh Meharchandani | 2018-19 Alumni From Gandhinagar

“Before leaving for my exchange to France, AFS Staff has made me write a letter of expectations before I left. When I read this letter after an year, it brought tears of happiness. I expected my personality to change for better and it really did. I am now much independent and confident individual. My maturity levels are high and I now understand things better. Hunger for knowledge is the best thing that happened to me through this exchange. I may have never learnt things in India which I learnt in France. The experience this exchange year gave me is something that cannot be explained in words.

I would recommend other young person’s to go on an Exchange year program as International learning and knowledge propels students towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives, it enhances one’s interest in global issues as well as a broader general knowledge apart from just making one learn a new language.

If a young goes to an exchange program, his level of thinking and Ideas might get enhanced as one has explore and see the world through his eyes. We could become Big thinker by believing in our ideas, learning by experiencing, being determined.”

My message for Indian Youth would be:

  • Believe that you are special but don’t show that you are.
  • Travel when you get the chance
  • Respect your parents and be nice to them.
  • Do not be afraid to be different and sharing your ideas.
  • Think before you speak.