By Dushyant Mahendra Saraf from Indore Hosted in Russia on AFS Programs 2018

“My study abroad experience in Russia provided me the opportunity to realize that there is a much bigger world out there, with a very rich and proud culture. I realized what culture actually means, the visits to museums, different cities and historical sites allowed me to better understand the Russian culture and gave me the proper meaning of culture. I learned about myself in the process, as I had my conversation with other International AFS students who had different point of views, ideas and opinions, that helped me to think like global and challenged me to apply my learnings and to share my own point of view in a cross-culture background. I was able to improve my level of Russian to the point that I can carry a conversation that allows me to express myself with some emotion and personality. I realized how closely languages are tied to its culture, which allows me to understand not only Russia but my home country better too.

Some of my learnings that can’t be learned in schools are – handling unexpected situations, learning and experiencing cross-cultural differences, living independently, patience & passion and many more.I would definitely recommend the program. I am even looking forward to be a volunteer and promote AFS in schools.”